The other night I sat in a Taco Bell (second podcast in a Taco Bell if you’re keeping track at home) with Bobby Jaycox to catch up with my buddy. Bobby has been crushing it lately in comedy. He’s performing all over the place, he’s writing and performing on STL Up Late, as well as at the Improv Shop in town. He’s even has his own short film Dad Kiss featured in the Sham Film Festival coming up.
See Dad Kiss at the Sham Film Festival Sept 25 & 26 at Winifred Moore Auditorium at Webster University
Please check out STL Up Late if you haven’t done so, it’s a great show creating loads of great content. They’re looking to try and take their show to television and you can help by getting involved at or their Kickstarter page.
Follow Bobby Jaycox on Twitter & Instagram @bobbyjaycox
Listen on ITunes or Stitcher as well. Please Rate/Review/Subscribe on ITunes. Share with a friend!