A bit ago I had the privilege of sitting down with Radio personalities Ron Stevens & Joy Grdnic. These have stories for days about working in radio, comedy, writing for WKRP in Cincinnati, own their own restaurant The Fountain on Locust and so much more.
We also talk about their most recent project OnSTL. Head over to OnSTL.com and see what all their up to. The page is a great source for finding out about live music in town, interviews with some of the most interesting people in St.Louis, where to find all the FREE entertainment and so much more. Also keep up with OnSTL on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
Listen on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music apps or click play
Super excited to welcome Gaslight Studios on board sponsoring the show. Check out the studio on Kingshighway & Shaw. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. See Fresh Heir there 7/30 live in the studio. GaslightSTL.com
Thanks to Music Record Shop for sponsoring the show. Visit them in the Grove on Manchester Ave in St.Louis, MO. New vinyl every Friday! Shop online 24/7 at MusicRecordShop.com
Also Thanks to Mo Game Con for sponsoring the show. Visit MoGameCon.com for details and tickets. August 13th 12-7pm.