Episode 285- The Kamicosmonaut

Last week I sat down with hip hop group The Kamicosmonaut to help introduce this newer group. We talked about some the art of hip hop & played 4 songs including debuting a brand new on the show. We also talked about how this group formed and some of their history together.


On this episode you’ll hear:



“Penny in the Lake”

& “No Respect” closing out the show

All of these can be found on TheKamicosmonaut.bandcamp.com

Be sure to follow them on Facebook!

Listen to Rock Paper Podcast on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play MusicĀ  or click play

Thanks to Gaslight for sponsoring the show. Be sure to check them on out on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Book yourself a tour today at GaslightSTL.com. There are tons of great events going on over there including Sunday 10/9 CAVO live in studio for a Gaslight Session. We’ll be recording the 300th episode and filming it all for a future episode of The Loft Sessions as well. $10


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