Episode 299- Dear Genre

The other night I stopped in at a Denny’s and talked with rock duo Dear Genre about touring with Bruiser Queen, naming the band, the evolution of Dear Genre, their new album Flower Puns, live shows vs studio recordings, their “Move” music video and more.

14894516_10154510059541708_1992028827_oDear Genre is André Cataldo (Guitar & Vocals) & Ray Ayers (Drums)

On this episode you’ll hear “Move” & “Lucifer” available digitally at DearGenre.com

Be sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and keep an eye out for more dates coming soon.

See them LIVE

11/4 at The Sinkhole with Joe Link

Listen on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music apps or click play

Thanks to Gaslight for all of their support with this show. Check out GaslightSTL.com and schedule a tour today if you haven’t been by there. It’s a beautiful recording studio attached to a bar!

12342578_182933895386709_6687088724347852320_nAlso I’d like to welcome back to the show Music Record Shop!! They relocated to Washington Ave now, so swing by and check out their new location! New records in every Friday. Shop online 24/7 at MusicRecordShop.com.
