Multi-Instrumentalist Kyle Ray stops in to talk about his work around town in a few different bands like Whiskey Raccoons, Adam Gaffney & The Highway Saints, Ruffneck Blues Band and more. We also discuss his work at School of Rock educating the youth in the ways Rock!

I had a lot of fun recording this episode with Kyle at Gaslight in St.Louis, MO. Be sure to check out and visit them on the Hill.
See Kyle LIVE
12/29 Adam Gaffney & The Highway Saints at Canton Inn
1/12 Whiskey Raccoons at Silo Brewery in Cookeville, TN
Be sure to follow him on Facebook & Instagram for more dates & info.
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Thanks to my wonderful friends at Naked Vine for their support of the show. Swing by and visit them for a glass of wine or whiskey and around for the show. Full listing of wines, whiskey & beers along with their music calendar at Follow them on Facebook Twitter & Instagram!