Steven Woolley returns! It was a lot of fun catching up with my buddy Steven Woolley discussing he’s recent changes in life, his weight loss, upcoming shows, new album, tour & everything else!

See Steven LIVE:
Dec 10 at Broadway Oyster Bar
Dec 13 at American Legion Hall in Festus, MO
Dec 20 at Taytro’s Festus, MO
Dec 27 at NashVegas Columbia, MO
Dec 31 NYE at Boomers in Sullivan
Feb 11 at Naked Vine Singer Songwriter Storytelling Showcase
On this episode you’ll hear:
-Outside Of My Head
Find more music or wherever you get digital music! Follow him on Facebook & Instagram!
Listen to Rock Paper Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play Music apps or click PLAY
Thanks to my wonderful friends at Naked Vine for their support of the show. Swing by and visit them for a glass of wine or whiskey and around for the show. Full listing of wines, whiskey & beers along with their music calendar at Follow them on Facebook Twitter & Instagram!

I’m pumped to have Roughneck Beard Company & American Rambler on board sponsoring the show! Visit them at or TODAY and use my code RPP15 for 15% off your purchase. In St.Louis, visit their shop in Maplewood, MO at 7282 Manchester Rd.

Big shout out to Heil Sound for their support of this show! Visit